A couple of years ago, I wrote about the Maori proverb which ponders what is the most important thing in the world. Their answer is – ‘He tangata, he tangata, he tangata’ – it is the people, the people, the people.
Seeing themselves as caretakers and protectors of the land for their children, they have a deep relationship with the land, the sea, and each other. The energy is heart-based.
What if… our world were to have more people with open hearts coming together to take care of our planet and the people, to create structures for the equitable distribution of social and financial resources, to collaborate, to realise that we are one…what difference will that make?
If we look around us, what do we see? We see extreme political authorities, separation in terms of wealth and status, inequality when it comes to health, race and gender. Corrupt systems crumbling; society in many places broken; extreme weather.
Our world is in our hands…it’s up to us as to how we care for it. We can begin by being the change we want to see. As my mentor says, “If it’s to be, it begins with me”.
The good thing is …living from our heart is not dependent on anything outside ourselves. We simply need to understand our self, break down the barriers within us, and find unity between our personality and soul. Then it’s easier to live together with kindness and celebrate difference. In the end, what matters is love, life itself.
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