I don’t know how it is for you, I’m hearing many people say that things have to change. Big picture they want the WORLD to change! Globally, people long to see an end to power over, corruption, abuse, greed, inequality, fear. In their personal lives, something may have happened that has had them stop and question how they live and what matters to them – children grow up, mum feels that something is missing and doesn’t know who she is any more… a relationship ends and they are dealing with divorce… people in the corporate world are saying they are simply fed up of living the way they do, there has to be another way.
A new start means the opportunity for a new you, time to write a new story. If anything was possible…how could that look? Who might you become?
If you start by looking at yourself now, what do you see – who are you? Is this who you really are, who you want to be?
When you look to see who you are, do you look at yourself lovingly, kindly? Or, do you see yourself with judgement or criticism, you see only what you perceive to be wrong with you? Do you take what other people say personally; do you take yourself personally?
What if your so-called weaknesses are your greatest gifts? What if your strength lies in the difficulties you have overcome? What if what limits or impedes you is the best gift you’ve got?
What steps can you take to enhance your life and be the change you want to see?
February is a month when traditionally our attention turns to romantic love. How can you celebrate love – love of friends, family, Mother Earth, animals – and love of self? How can you spread love?
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