More than once I’ve worked with a client who has tearfully asked – ‘Am I going crazy? What’s wrong with me?’
When Jenna came for coaching, she said she felt there was something missing in her life, she had lost her sense of enthusiasm, her vitality, and she was not especially happy in her marriage. On the surface, she appeared to have it all; underneath, she often felt unappreciated, used, and the harder she worked at creating a happy home the less she seemed to satisfy her husband.
Her husband had embarrassed her in front of friends at a dinner party and later, when she told him how she felt, he accused her of being “too sensitive” and told her she had no sense of humour. She felt hurt and humiliated.
Asking “Am I going crazy”, Jenna was questioning her perception of things, she doubted herself, and her emotions plummeted. Jenna felt confused, and had a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. That feeling in her body told her she was compromising herself.
Jenna asked “But …what if I’m wrong?” – and, in that moment, she could see she was giving her power away. She saw that her husband had behaved as he did, she was upset, her truth was her truth, and no-one could take that away from her.
If you’re in a relationship where you ask yourself whether you’re going crazy because your perceptions are so different from your partner’s, its really important to take care of and respect yourself. And one of the best ways to do that is, whenever you doubt yourself, have faith in what your heart says.
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