Feeling a twinge of disappointment recently……. I was reminded of the words of a song that my dad used to sing to me, words from the musical “South Pacific” which I absolutely loved as a child….
“Happy talkin’, talkin’, happy talk
Talk about things you’d like to do
You’ve got to have a dream, if you don’t have a dream
How you gonna have a dream come true?”
Which got me thinking about dreams. If you knew that the whole universe is yours…
- what would be your dream for our planet in the year to come;
- what is possible for you, your family, your community?
Anything is possible when you activate the diamond in your heart!
If you’re feeling disheartened, if you feel there’s got to be something more to life, reconnect with your dreams and why you are here. Dream big! There is so much more to yourself than you imagine.
And remember … see the beauty in life, in yourself, in others. Even in the midst of chaos, beauty is all around us. It’s not just a physical appearance, it’s an energetic resonance. Connect to it, feel its touch, and you will feel uplifted.
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