Forget about what’s wrong with you…what’s beautiful?

These past few weeks we’ve been looking at connecting to our heart and being joyful – and – what can get on the way of being joyful.

Focusing on what is wrong with you is an easy trap to fall into when we go on the journey of understanding our self, digging into all the nooks and crannies so that we can come to a place of self acceptance.

Our soul is always joyful and peaceful. Our mind takes us away from spirit.

It’s important to see all aspects of who we are, both the light and dark. Acknowledging, not judging, the dark helps us to understand and be compassionate towards others, knowing that we’re all connected, not separate.

The personality on the other hand tricks us by judging. When you catch yourself criticising yourself or finding fault with others, simply observe, ask how is this serving me, and go into your heart.

None of us is perfect, let’s accept that, however it’s also true that there is nothing wrong with us for we are exactly who we need to be right now to fulfil our soul’s purpose.

So, what is beautiful within you that can be brought out so you can contribute to the lives of others? Is there some aspect that you deny which might just be the Essence of who you are? What quality do you value and admire in others that you wish you could have?

Each of us is a beautiful, unique expression of the Source. And, we are here to to enJOY life!

So, the question is… are you willing to see yourself differently? Are you willing to look at yourself through the eyes of love…not fear? To have an internal conversation that supports growth and change? To celebrate who you are?

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