Creating space

For as long as I can remember, I’ve written about change – navigating life’s challenges, making a new start, learning the lessons our soul wants us to learn.

Change, they say, is the only thing in life that is certain. I’ve experienced a few, in fact have often said that ‘change’ should be my middle name! How funny then that here I am sharing another change…

Over the last month or two, it’s become clear that it’s time for me to say goodbye to Hong Kong and move my business elsewhere. Hong Kong has been dear to me, it’s given so many wonderful experiences, and, now it’s time to move on and create something new.

Just like the caterpillar, there will be a period when I may appear to be inactive. Over the next few months, I will be looking at how to grow, what’s possible in terms of a new foundation. For now, I will be spending time in both New Zealand and the UK. Newsletters will be put on hold, I will continue to offer tips and questions to ponder here on social media.

I always love to hear from you, so do keep in touch. And, if you’d like to hear when we are up and running again, please let me know. Simply click the button below to fill out your name and email address, and we’ll send you a notification when we’re back.

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