When your world is turned upside down and you don’t know where to turn, it’s easy to panic and feel totally alone. With all the lockdowns we’re experiencing, this can feel especially true.
At the same time, you may feel a need to hold it all together and tell yourself you can handle whatever it is you are facing. Pride can stop you from being vulnerable and sharing with someone that you don’t know what to do and you hurt. In this way, you exclude those who want to be there for you. Unconsciously, you turn your back on them and miss an opportunity to have a closer relationship.
Like many things, it’s actually a lot easier to do it together!
Connecting with your heart is the greatest relationship of all – one that is always there for you. The truth is you are never alone, Spirit is always there to guide and support you. Your soul never gives you more than you can handle – only opportunities to grow and become more of who you are. And…magic happens when you go into your heart. Connecting with the diamond you find the support and quiet strength within you that you can find nowhere else..
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