This past week, many children have returned to school; some have started school for the first time. I received photos from my niece and also from a friend of their five year olds in school uniform for the first time. How they had stretched, how they had grown, I thought.
Which got me thinking… about growing. I firmly believe that we are all here to learn and grow; and we can grow in many ways. Sometimes it happens naturally like starting school. Sometimes we grow through a personal challenge thrust upon us, perhaps through losing a job or a relationship. Sometimes it’s a choice we make, a desire for personal development.
And… sometimes we get stuck. We live in our comfort zone, we may appear to be happy, yet we’re living in a box and life is predictable. If that’s what we choose and we’re happy with it, that’s wonderful. We may, however, feel that something is missing. We may feel dull, uninspired and have a nagging sense that surely there is something more. We want more purpose, passion, meaning, something new! Often this is a nudge from our soul to align our self with who we really are.
Where are you right now? Are you asleep? Are you comfortable? Are you stuck? Perhaps you feel that there is no way out?
The best opportunities, I’ve found, come when we’re challenged. When you know that something really needs to change, it’s great to get clear about what it is you’re looking for and what’s stopping you from getting there. There are ways to let go of whatever is keeping you stuck. Sometimes it’s simply a case of letting go of the past. Excuses are a sneaky way that our fear stops us from living our dreams, from fulfilling our highest potential. Then it’s simply a case of risking, and doing things differently.
Sok Sothearath
Posted at 04:14h, 28 AugustThanks for article. It is such an inspiration.
I love challenges, especially with myself. It is great to find out more about myself and what I’m passionate about. So now I am not pretty sure but just know that I am happy with that.