Seeing the beauty

With everything that’s happening around us, what supports you through the uncertainty?

Nothing gives us a greater feeling of security than when you connect with your heart, to that place of knowing that you’re supported, you have what you need to get through your challenges, to that feeling of strength and power within.

Letting go of our expectations, trusting that all experiences are gifts, living in the now is the only way to inner peace. And yes that’s tricky when we don’t know where we’re going, or we long for a particular outcome. The secret is to have no emotional attachment to outcome.

Seeing the beauty in life, even in the midst of pain and misery, helps enormously. It has the power to touch our soul, to bring a sense of serenity, thankfulness, the power to uplift. It already exists within us and those around us, we just need to practise seeing it.

Seeing the beauty doesn’t take away ugliness, nor is it a way of avoiding the ‘the bad”. It’s more a way of training yourself to look for the good, for the beautiful right now in the present moment. And it’s a choice. And of course there is beauty to be found in everything, even in ugliness – you just have to look.

It’s about seeing the qualities of the divine in ourselves and others – the purity of joy, love, gentleness, unselfishness, compassion. …It’s not so much a physical appearance, it’s an energetic resonance.

True beauty comes from within – from the light within us – and it shows up when we live from our true self, in harmony and balance and acceptance.

See the beauty in…. laughter, sunsets, music, family, friends, a starry sky, the sun sparkling on the sea, a baby’s precious smile, in the mundane… and feel your heart expand!

See and feel the beauty with your heart; see the world through a loving perspective; see what difference it makes.

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