Here we are at the start of a new year, a time when you may be thinking about doing things differently. What is one thing you would really like to change in your life? What within you needs to change to make that happen? What could be holding you back from achieving what you want?
For example…do you want to find more time for yourself? Perhaps you’re a grandparent and, while you love looking after your grandchildren, you really would rather not feel obliged to take care of them quite so much? The truth is you would like to do some of the things on your bucket list, yet you feel guilty just thinking about it. Perhaps you’re looking after an elderly parent who may have dementia, who needs more and more care, and you don’t like to admit that you’re finding it hard to manage? What would it take to allow yourself to be supported?
Stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something different, whatever that might be, can feel daunting, so a couple of weeks ago we offered a free tip on how to get things into perspective, and from there to build your confidence muscle in terms of making change. If you haven’t already seen it, you can watch our video and sign up for our tip here
In our blog, we’ve been inviting you to look at how you want to live, what are your dreams for the New Year, and how you can find your voice if that’s an issue. Here are some links if you’d like to read:
– What is your dream for 2018?
When you know it’s time for a change, often its a nudge from your soul to be more of who you are. If you’d like to go on the journey of understanding more about your self and why you’re here, contact me and we can talk about that. Just as the facets of a diamond all come together to create it’s beauty, so our individual strengths and gifts form a unique pattern of light that radiates our essence. It’s good to recognise our uniqueness.
I believe that we’re here to enjoy life, to live life to the full! If you feel less than happy with your life, what do you need to change for that to happen? Life needn’t be a struggle.
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