Are you willing to accept yourself just as you are, not perfect?
Are you willing to let go of any attachment as to how you think things should be?
Are you willing to let go of any fears or habit of not trusting?
Over the weekend I went to a concert where I heard the song ‘Let it Be’ which brings me goosebumps, as does the card here that my daughter gave to me some time ago. Funny how our children can be divine messengers!
What do the words “let it be” mean to you?
We can see them as a message to relax and stop worrying, everything is as it is meant to be, and all will be well. We all experience struggles, we all experience pain, and there is “still a light that shines on me…” Are we willing to be guided?
There’s a gift in every challenge – although we may not see it while we are hurting, it can take time. We’re never given more than we can handle, there’s always an opportunity for learning and growth. In fact, moving through our challenges can help us to shine. Sometimes we need friction to allow whatever needs to be discarded to be shed.
When we struggle to hold everything together, attempting to control life, to impose our will and demand what we want and how things should be, the tightness of holding onto all of that self-centredness is exhausting.
How to have faith and accept things as they are? How can you surrender ‘my will’ to divine will, and connect to the diamond within? Simple – let go and let God. Observe our thoughts and let them be. Allow and embrace our feelings and let them be. Connect to the divine within us.
And, when it comes to others, sometimes we need to accept that at times people may not want our help…and let it be.
‘Let it be’ for me means to let go and let God. And, when we stop trying and start allowing, it’s amazing what happens!
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