Crisis or opportunity?

We’ve all heard it – every crisis offers opportunity – and that might not be what we want to hear when we’re in the middle of it!

When it feels like life has been turned upside down, it’s all too easy to fall into feeling sorry for ourselves even if it’s only momentarily.

When our self esteem is strong, we have the inner resilience to overcome life challenges and the ability to bounce back from any crisis. And …when it’s wobbly, a challenge is sometimes exactly what we need to find our inner strength and build our confidence in our own abilities, to learn to rely on our self.

At some point in every challenge, there is a moment of choice when we know, know in the deepest part of who we are, it’s time to make a new start – we no longer want to live in the dark. Once we make this choice, it’s simply a case then of seeing and doing things differently, imagining the new life you want to create, and who you want to become.

Yes, we may need to move beyond things that have us feel uncomfortable, and we can do that by getting a sense of perspective on what the challenge is. However my experience has been that it’s more empowering to focus on our dream than giving energy to anything that might hold us back.

You can pick up the pieces, you will survive and in fact you can thrive. All you need to do is find your inner toughness – and we all have it. We all have exactly what we need to meet any challenge, and it’s through our challenges that we grow. We are never given more than we can handle. And when we connect with the Diamond Within The Heart that’s where we find our inner certainty, our knowing that all is always well.

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